Take your relationship to new places!
– the RISC Course –
Relationship • Intimacy • Sex • Communication
Transform Every Relationship Struggle Into Fuel
for Extraordinary Love, Passion & Intimacy!
The Essential Online Course
Get More Love. More Sex. Less Fighting.
with Christian Pedersen & Sonika Tinker, MSW
Enroll Today
- Work at your own pace.
- Includes 7 Bonus Packages.
Christian Pedersen & Sonika Tinker, a husband/wife team, will help you understand why your best efforts aren’t working, and teach you new, effective techniques.
We recognize that the language in the course is often framed from a heterosexual perspective. This is the experience the instructors bring, and they don’t wish to speak for same-sex couples’ experience. However, Sonika and Christian have worked with a number of same-sex couples through their live workshops and coaching who have found the concepts and tools they teach powerful and applicable.
Sometimes it’s safer to take a RISC!
Never settle for less than extraordinary when it comes to your love life
It’s no wonder. The fairytale relationship model you inherited never covered the “ever-after”! With no relationship training, you are set up to fail, it’s just a matter of when…
That’s why today “normal” is a divorce rate above 50% (and that’s for first marriages. It’s much higher for second and third marriages!)
But we know you aren’t interested in just being “normal” &/or “functional”. You want extraordinary when it comes to love, sex and intimacy with the person that matters most to you in this world!

Are you willing to take a risk for your relationship?
It’s time to stop pretending. You’re not as happy as you deserve to be.
Do you want…
- Conversations to be streamlined AND deep?
- Your sex to be loving and intimate, AND hot and wild?
- Conflicts to be resolved, not swept under the carpet or too quickly settled in compromise?
- To feel proud of yourself in relationship – to be a good role model for your kids and friends?
- The freedom and full support of your partner to be your BEST self at home and in the world?
Are you wondering if this is even possible? If it’s a pipedream?
We’re here to tell you it’s not only possible, but real & attainable!
We Have a Solution that Works
comOur unique training system allows you to create an ever upward-spiraling experience of love, sex and intimacy in your relationship. Instead of things getting worse over time, your relationship just gets better and better!
We have helped thousands of marriages and relationships that were “plateau’ed” or teetering on the edge of divorce to avoid the dreaded drudgery of “normal” with our uplifting, positive approach to relationship.
You will free up massive amounts of time and energy you currently waste bickering and going through the motions. You’ll create all the support, passion, and intimacy you long for. You will stand on firm footing as you become the man and woman you long to be and step together into the realization of your Full Potential.
What kind of life could you provide for you, your family, and your community if you were both winning at home?
The RISC Course is your chance to make your relationship the journey of a lifetime. A wondrous, mutually empowering adventure of love that will last for the rest of your life. You’ve settled for long enough with a constrained partnership. It’s time for a change.
You’re sick of settling. If you don’t want to fail and start all over, if you are ready to step forward and do something new and different to create a dynamic, uplifting, phenomenal partnership, take the RISC Course with us and other like-minded couples ready to take your relationship to the next level! The RISC Course is for all kinds of committed couples.
Our Promise of how you’ll transform your relationship — Guaranteed by MKP USA
You will be truly amazed by how much power you have to turn your relationship around – this alone will restore your hope and faith in love. You will see your partner the way you used to, with love-struck eyes and discover specific strategies for how to rekindle and sustain your connection in love and intimacy.
You will learn how to dissolve victimhood and blame in conflict and instead move quickly towards creating more of what you both REALLY want in your relationship. You will also learn the secret to generating sexual spark from nothing, and how to put the sizzle back in your sex life.
In just seven weeks, you will have numerous practical tools and practices for getting unstuck and back to love as fast as possible, and staying there!
What you’ll learn in the Course
A Guide to the 7 Sessions
Session 1
A Fresh Start: How to Create an Extraordinary Relationship Foundation
Without realizing it, talking about and trying to fix problems only makes them worse!
In this session, you will learn a brand new relationship paradigm that will re-set you on a whole new refreshing path of possibility for your relationship and includes:
- Understanding what produces the downward spiral in your relationship and why what you do to make your relationship better only makes it worse.
- A simple tool for how to bring out and enjoy the best in your partner and yourself and how to raise each other up with positive expectations.
- Discovering the fastest way to free yourself from unwanted negative relationship patterns.
- How to see your partner like you did in the beginning – through Love’s eyes – and connect heart-to-heart with your partner.
Session 2
The Fulfillment Formula: Eradicating Complaint and Criticism
Everyday, things happen that you don’t like or want in your relationship. Maybe your partner blames you for something you didn’t do, says no to sex or comes home late from work. What to do?
In this session, you will learn how to use upsets as launching pads for creativity and connection, so you can get what you REALLY want, fast and includes:
- Discovering that what you think you want is not what you REALLY want!
- Understanding why wanting intimacy or sex prevents you from having it.
- How to access the hidden positive intent behind every criticism and upset.
- How to move from complaint to co-creation through our systematic step-by-step Fulfillment Formula.
This system will allow you to resolve conflicts, that used to last for weeks or years, in as little as 10 minutes.
Session 3
The True Source of Upset
You know the feeling. You are happily going along when your partner says or does something out of the blue that spirals you down into a dark reactive state. You feel powerless, victimized, stuck.
In this session, we’ll give you a powerful new model that will enable you to finally understand what’s going on and give you control over your mind and moods and includes:
- Understanding the TRUE source of your upsets.
- How to move from victim to power quickly and stop fights fast.
- How to eliminate blame and finger pointing for good while discovering the true meaning and possibility of taking responsibility.
- How to bust through negative beliefs that keep you stuck in old patterns and open yourself to infinite new directions for feeling better, anytime, anywhere!
Session 4
Accessing the Gift in Conflict
Most couples hate or avoid conflict, but problems not addressed or transformed will erode the best of relationships.
In this session, you will discover an empowering new approach to conflict that will enable you to harness the gift in each problem you will inevitably face together as a couple and includes:
- Discovering a brand new paradigm for conflict that will enable you to access the gift in any upset, judgment or problem.
- Understanding why we say conflicts are good and that they are happening “FOR” you.
- How to quit fighting about the same things over and over again.
- How to move from an enemy stance to a partnership stance, from either/or to win/win and shift from “me” to “we.”
Session 5
The Healthy Masculine: How to Win in Relationship
Men are confused in this culture about how to win in relationship. To avoid showing up as an insensitive, chauvinist, sexist pig, men damp down their masculine force; they tip-toe into intimate interactions, waiting for a signal from their partner to proceed. Unfortunately, this tentativeness, rather than communicating sensitivity to needs, has his partner feel insecure, closed off and critical.
In this session, we will discuss what partners really want from their men, so men can finally have the experience of winning in relationship and includes:
- How to energetically meet and provide for one another without words in a way that has you both feel deeply seen, safe and appreciated.
- How to move with confidence, clarity, and purpose in your relationship!
- How to cultivate a safe space for deepening surrender, openness and trust.
- How to generate spark from nothing and feel that alive, passionate ZING between you again.
Session 6
More Better Sex
Sex Matters. Waiting until you feel great with each other, want sex at the same time, and have no other distractions, is like waiting for Mars and Venus to line up. Sex and intimacy are too important to the vitality, health and success of a relationship to leave it to chance and “lucky” circumstances.
In this session, you will learn how to create passionate, fun, wild sex on purpose and why sex is essential to the health of a relationship and what it provides and includes:
- What to do when you are not in the mood, and how to create sexual spark from scratch.
- How to get back into the practice of making love when it has been a very long time.
- Strategies to help you transition from “busy life” to “intimate moment.”
- How to move together as partners to create win/win solutions around sexual differences.
Session 7
From Me to We: Co-Creating Phenomenal Partnership
Zig Ziglar, a personal development guru, used to say that his great marriage gave him the home-court advantage and was responsible for his success.With love on your side, there is nothing you can’t do.
In this session, you will learn how to create an ever-upward spiraling climate of mutual support, empowerment and love in your relationship and includes:
- The FIVE essential ingredients for how to DO love
- The secret for how to best show your partner you love him or her
- Essential key practices for sustaining love, nourishing creativity and empowering your full potential
- Three essential Core Beliefs for successful relationship
What you’ll receive with the Course
Live 90-Minute Course Sessions
Each teaching session will teach you, step-by-step, practical tools and techniques necessary to transform your relationship and start living your dream love. You’ll get all the wisdom of over 30 years of relationship mastery experience directly from these two incredibly fun and engaging teachers.
Transcripts of Each Session
PDF transcripts are a great resource, allowing you to return to and quickly reference key concepts and answers to frequently asked questions as you step fully into your relationship transformation.
Seven Powerful Bonus Packages
(see below)
Upon Course Purchase You Also Receive SEVEN Bonus Packages:
On Communication from Jed Diamond’s latest book “The Enlightened Marriage“
We’ve partnered with Jed Diamond and ManAlive.com to offer you an exclusive chapter from his latest book, The Enlightened Marriage: The 5 Transformative Stages of Relationships and Why the Best is Still to Come (August, 2016). In the Chapter, “Male & Female Communication With and Without Words: Bridging the Great Divide” Jed dives into the perceived gap that separates men and women in how we connect with one another, and offers concrete advice based on over 40 years of clinical experience with couples and individuals.
“There are some skills you must have, some ways you must be, and some things you must learn or unlearn if you want to have a healthy, fulfilling and loving relationship. Jed Diamond’s work in The Enlightened Marriage covers all of the ‘musts’ and then some. What a blessing!”–Iyanla Vanzant author of Trust: Mastering The Four Essentials. Host of Iyanla Fix My Life on OWN.
About Jed
Jed has been involved with helping men and the families who love them since November 21, 1969… the date his son, Jemal, was born. He made a vow to his baby boy that he would be a different kind of father than his father was able to be to him, and to create a male-friendly world that supported men, women, and children. After receiving his Master’s degree in Social Work from UC Berkeley, Jed founded MenAlive in 1980 to focus attention on the emerging field of gender-specific medicine and men’s health. Jed later earned a Ph.D. in International Health and his dissertation was eventually turned into a book called: “Male vs. Female Depression: Why Men Act Out and Women Act In” Since 1983 Jed has written 14 books including international best-sellers, Male Menopause and The Irritable Male Syndrome.
Joe Kort Audio Workshop
Cracking the Code of Men’s Sexual Lives: Male Sexuality in the 21st Century with Joe Kort
One of the most powerful motivating factors in a man’s life is his sexuality. What does it mean to desire? What is a normal spectrum for men’s sexual expression? What is men’s sexuality really like … beyond the stories we’re told by popular culture? Questions about what it means to be a sexual man have grown ever more complex as western culture has begun to accept and celebrate a broader spectrum of sexuality. Though sexual fluidity has long been more acceptable for women, men have largely been restricted to a highly enforced binary; straight or gay. Though the reality of men’s sexual expression has always been more complex than culture would have us believe, we are just learning how to talk about it. Join internationally recognized sexuality expert and therapist Joe Kort for a discussion on cracking the code of Men’s Sexual lives.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this audio seminar
• Learn the truth about the spectrum of men’s sexual expression
• Hear how couples can welcome and respond to differences
• How our society is changing and shifting toward more freedom and acceptance for men and women in committed relationships
About Joe
Psychotherapist, coach and author Joe Kort, Ph.D. founded his practice in 1985, specializing in sex and relationship therapy, an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Supervisor, Out-of-Control Sexual Behaviors, and IMAGO Relationship Therapy, a specific program to help couples and singles learn to improve their communication and relationship skills. Joe has been featured on interviews on radio such as NPR and in the New York Times as well as television, including feature segments on the Tyra Banks Show, MSNBC, and Fox News. He is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post, YourTango.com and PsychologyToday.com and the author of 4 books, including “Gay Affirmative Therapy for the Straight Clinician,” “10 Things Gay Men Can Do to Find Real Love,” “10 Smart Things Gay Men Can Do to Improve Their Lives” and his most recent book, “Is My Husband Gay, Straight, or Bi?: A Guide for Women Concerned About Their Men”
Meditation Audio with Gay and Katie Hendricks
The Harmonizer Meditation Audio with Gay and Katie Hendricks
Meditating together has been one of the critical keys to Gay and Katie’s marriage. The Harmonizer is a special 15-minute audio track designed to create a sense of inner calm and peace within you, as well as a deep connection with others. Just listen along – either alone or with a partner – and experience the profound benefits of meditation.
Here are the benefits to using the Harmonizer
• It will help you create deep mental, emotional, and spiritual rapport and connection, facilitating the creation of a deep and lasting bond with your partner
• It will support you in feeling old patterns dissolve and disappear as you shift into a new state of consciousness
• It will relax, refresh, and de-stress you; and will focus and calm your mind
About Gay and Katie
Gay and Katie Hendricks have two PhDs and 36 published books between them. Yet the most common question a relationship expert will ever get is this one: “What’s your love life like?” Well, they’re glad you asked. Ever since they consciously attracted each other over 30 years ago, they turned their relationship into a living laboratory. They wanted to create a marriage that ran entirely on positive energy, and they developed tools to help them accomplish that every day. Since then, they’ve been teaching their methods to thousands of couples and singles – in their counseling offices, at their live seminars, and even on Oprah. Now it’s your turn.
eBook: When You Love Your Woman by Christian Pedersen
Have you ever wondered what a woman really wants? Longed to know what to do to make her happy?
When You Love Your Woman, a relationship guide specifically for men, offers 129 short, powerful lessons for how to be a successful lover and win with your woman. The perfect resource when you need some “just in time” guidance for your relationship. You’ll get the first-ever released copy before it’s officially published. “This is a relationship book for men, but if you are a woman and it seems your man just isn’t hearing you, get him this book. Composed of short, 1-minute lessons, it’s by far the best thing I’ve ever seen for men about relationships with the opposite sex.” Jordan Fisher Smith, Bestselling Author of Nature Noir
About Christian
Christian Pedersen is originally from Denmark, but followed “love’s lead” and joined Sonika in Northern California when it became impossible to be apart from his “beloved” for months at a time. Christian is a relationship specialist and Certified Life Coach, and has led over 50 relationship trainings for hundreds of singles and couples on the issues of relationship, communication, intimacy, sexuality, dating, law of attraction and personal transformation. He has a private coaching practice teaching men how to create awesome, satisfying, powerful relationship, and how to “win with their women”.
TWO Additional Audio Workshops with Christian Pedersen & Sonika Tinker
Bust Through Old Patterns!
See Each Other With Love-Struck Eyes Again!
Loving Conflict: Do you dread or avoid conflict? Loving Conflict presents a radically different take on conflicts. Instead of fighting and resisting problems, you learn to embrace conflict, to consciously use every breakdown as a creative launching pad towards realizing deeper intimacy, passion and partnership in relationship. In this presentation, we look at our usual way of approaching conflict, and then provide 20 more effective ways to resolve conflicts easily in minutes!
Full Potential: When our partners do something we don’t like, we act as if we are victims of circumstance with no creative ability to influence what shows up or affect what happens to us. You have way more power and influence over your life and relationship than we think! This extraordinary audio featuring our signature system allows you to tap into your Full Potential and see your partner with love-struck eyes again. Unleash your creative power for dramatically improving your life and relationships!
About Sonika and Christian
Sonika Tinker, MSW, and Christian Pedersen, CLC, loving husband-wife team, are Relationship Experts with over 30 years combined experience coaching and leading seminars helping thousands of couples and singles to dramatically improve relationships. Sonika is a Certified NLP ProfessionalTM, Certified Enneagram Teacher, Certified Mediator and Author of Seize Your Opportunities and The Good Divorce.
Christian is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Mediator, ManKind Project graduate and author of When You Love Your Woman. Owners of LoveWorks, a cutting-edge relationship training company, both are passionately committed to shifting the current relationship paradigm from blame, resignation and scarcity to one of joyful, expansive, delightful co-creation. They offer a unique leading-edge relationship solution that is uplifting, light-hearted and powerfully effective.
What People are Saying
Since the R.I.S.C. course last year, my husband and I have had lots of very painful, but positive work. Using the communication skills we learned in the RISC course, and many long nights talking, we now have a marriage that is better than… well, ever!
For Lesson One, you asked us to write up a relationship vision for five years in the future. Almost every detail has come to pass!
When he travels out of town, we greatly miss each other. We actually sleep in each other’s arms (or wrapped legs, if it’s too warm), every night we are together. Our intimacy is great, we communicate about things other than work and kids (huge!), and have even become best friends. How I really needed that! And so did he! But last year, when I came to your course, I was so hopeless. I felt like it was Custer’s Last Stand! But the communication tools we both learned have been incredible helps in turning our relationship around.
Last we spoke, you and I, I was ready to leave my marriage. Divorce had been filed on both sides, property division was on the table. I really thought there was no hope. I just wanted to let you know that we have become a success story. I thank you and Christian for opening up about your relationship, your individual practices as coaches, and your encouragement. I doubt my story would have ended this way without the information shared in the RISC Course.
So now, we are starting a new marriage, to the same persons, but with better expectations, communication, and mutual respect. And I finally can call my husband my best friend.
Thank you!
I’ve done personal growth/transformational work for over 3 decades and have been a practitioner in the healing arts for over 25 years. I experience Sonika and Christian as the best of the best; it really doesn’t get any better than them! If you want more in your relationship, even with yourself, they bring a very sweet, clear, very accessible avenue for deep, fast, lasting results. I completely endorse their work and highly recommend working with them!
Sonika & Christian helped us to not be reactive, to instead be present with whatever shows up between us. We’ve learned to how to actually take responsibility. Now there’s room for us to feel ourselves and our feelings. Sonika & Christian are truly inspired, and inspiring! They give me hope there’s another way.
I have to say that everything about our sex life has transformed into “amazingly wonderful”. Who could have known that one conversation could shift everything! THANK YOU again and again for all you have done for us. Truly at a core level, you saved our marriage. It’s just that simple. We are more loving, connected and intimate than ever after 30 years of marriage.
Working with Sonika & Christian changed our entire relationship, and how we communicate and talk to one another. We have a newfound respect for each other in our marriage. We really HEAR each other now, we really listen. We are able to have discussions instead of confrontations.
This was single-handedly the best relationship training I have ever been in. And I have done quite a few. For anyone who doubts getting into this training: I would encourage you to drop your excuses and simply do it. It will turn out to be the most important and wonderful thing you ever did for yourself and the people around you. You will NOT regret it!
Thank you so much for a fantastic experience! It has already changed our lives in the most powerful ways! It brought up to the surface a lot of baggage that Steve and I have been holding onto for a while, which we were able to successfully clear away. Our relationship is more open, passionate and loving than we ever imagined it could be again. Yes!!
The 7 Session RISC Course
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Terms & Conditions | 100% Guarantee
If you have any questions, please email us at otpsupport@mkpusa.org and we’ll be glad to assist you
Your registration pays for you AND YOUR PARTNER!
100% Guarantee
If you have any questions, please email us at otpsupport@mkpusa.org and we’ll be glad to assist you
Meet Our Experts!
Sonika Tinker, MSW and Christian Pedersen

When we sought out help, most of what was out there didn’t work. Traditional therapy taught us how to share our feelings, make “I” statements and paraphrase back what the other person, but these tools didn’t make a dent in the anger and hurt we were stuck in.
We got desperate. We wanted something better than the normal downward progression of love to divorce. But it wasn’t created yet! Over time, with us as the primary lab rats, we invented a unique signature system for creating great relationship that works.
We will be honest and say that we have one of the best relationships around. We are completely honest with each other about everything, we have a fabulous, deep sex life, our conflicts are resolved quickly and easily – never to be brought up again, and more importantly, we deeply love each other, root for each other and consciously co-create an inspiring joyful life together! As our daughter once said when she was four, “we have a lot of laughters in our house!”
We want that for you too! We have had the privilege of helping thousands of couples to learn a better way, people who say after 30 years of marriage, that there sex and intimacy is better now than it has ever been.
We will be frank with you. Without a new way to relate, you are doomed to recreate what you have created up till now. And it doesn’t get better by itself.
So join us. We believe relationships are meant to be fun and easy and expansive and good. We can teach you how and what to do. Take the RISC to join us. You won’t regret it!
Here’s to your Love!
~Sonika & Christian
About Sonika & Christian
Sonika Tinker, MSW, and Christian Pedersen, loving husband-wife team, are relationship experts with over 30 years combined experience coaching and leading seminars helping thousands of couples and singles to dramatically improve relationships. Sonika is a Certified NLP Professional™, Certified Enneagram Teacher, Certified Mediator and author of Seize Your Opportunities and The Good Divorce. Christian is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Mediator, ManKind Project graduate and author of When You Love Your Woman. Owners of LoveWorks, a cutting-edge relationship training company, both are passionately committed to shifting the current relationship paradigm from blame, resignation and scarcity to one of joyful, expansive, delightful co-creation. They offer a unique leading-edge relationship solution that is uplifting, light-hearted and powerfully effective.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the RISC Course for?

What is an online course?
An online course allows you to go through the material via your computer at your own pace which gives you the control to determine your best time to do the work.
Do I need any special equipment?
The only equipment you’ll need is a computer, internet connection and speakers / headphones to view and listen to the video sessions.
Can I move ahead to later sessions prior to completing earlier ones?
No. This course is provided in a linear fashion as each session is built upon the previous ones. This give you and your partner time to do the exercises prior to the next session.
We have found this to provide the greatest value and likelihood for your relationship transformation.